Your Use of This Website is Governed by These Terms and Conditions
Please take a few minutes to review these Terms and Conditions. Throughout the entirety of the Terms of Use Statement, the term AngelTrax website refers to inclusively. Your use of the AngelTrax website constitutes your agreement to follow these rules and to be bound by them. If you do not agree with any of these Terms and Conditions, do not use the AngelTrax website.

By accessing and using the AngelTrax website, you agree that your access to and use of the AngelTrax website is subject to these terms and conditions as well as all applicable laws, as governed and interpreted pursuant to the laws of the state of Alabama, United States of America.

Correction of Errors and Inaccuracies
The information on the AngelTrax website may contain typographical errors or inaccuracies and may not be complete or current. We therefore reserve the right to correct any errors, inaccuracies or omissions and to change or update information at any time without prior notice. Please note that such errors, inaccuracies or omissions do not constitute legally binding statements on AngelTrax's part.

Your Password Management Responsibilities
Use of your User Id and Password is the agreed security procedure to access the secure area of the AngelTrax website. In order to prevent unauthorized access to your accounts and to prevent unauthorized use of the AngelTrax website, you agree by using the AngelTrax website, to keep username and password information confidential, and to not give or make available this information to unauthorized persons. If you disclose your User Id and Password to any unauthorized person or entity, you assume all risks and losses associated with such disclosure. If you permit any other unauthorized person or entity to use your User Id and Password or other means to access your accounts through the AngelTrax website, you are responsible for any transactions and activities they authorize from your accounts. You agree to immediately notify us, by calling 1-800-673-1788 (toll-free) during normal customer service hours, of any unauthorized use of your User Id and Password or of any other breach of security, or if you believe someone may attempt to access the AngelTrax website without your consent or has transferred money without your permission.

Limitation of Liability
Under no circumstances shall AngelTrax or any of their employees, directors, officers, agents, vendors or suppliers be liable for any direct or indirect losses or damages arising out of or in connection with the use of or inability to use the AngelTrax website. This is a comprehensive limitation of liability that applies to all losses and damages of any kind (whether general, special, consequential, incidental, exemplary or otherwise, including, without limitation, loss of data, income or profits), whether in contract, negligence or other tortuous action, even if an authorized representative of AngelTrax has been advised of or should have known of the possibility of such damages.

If you are dissatisfied with the AngelTrax website or any content on the site, or with the AngelTrax terms and conditions, your sole and exclusive remedy is to discontinue using the AngelTrax website. You acknowledge, by your use of the AngelTrax website, that your use of the site is at your sole risk.

The AngelTrax website is operated by AngelTrax, on an "as is," "as available" basis, without representations or warranties of any kind. To the full extent permitted by law, AngelTrax and their affiliates disclaim any and all representations and warranties with respect to this site and its contents, whether express, implied, or statutory, including, but not limited to, warranties of title, merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose or use.

AngelTrax does not endorse nor make any warranties or representations about the options or other service or data you may access, download or use as a result of the use of the information contained on this website, or any website you may access through the AngelTrax website. Links to other sites are provided for convenience only. You need to make your own decisions regarding your interactions or communications with any other website. AngelTrax makes no representation that content provided on the AngelTrax website is applicable or appropriate for use in locations outside of the United States. AngelTrax assumes no risk or responsibility for your use of any of the content provided on the AngelTrax website.

Copyright Notice
All of the content you see and hear on the AngelTrax website, including, for example, all of the page headers, images, illustrations, graphics, audio clips, video clips and text are subject to trademark, service mark, trade dress, copyright and/or other intellectual property rights or licenses held by AngelTrax, one of its affiliates or by third parties who have licensed their materials to AngelTrax. The entire content of the AngelTrax website is copyrighted as a collective work under U.S. copyright laws, and AngelTrax owns a copyright in the selection, coordination, arrangement and enhancement of the content.

The content of the AngelTrax website, and the site as a whole, are intended solely for AngelTrax, noncommercial use by the users of our site. You may download, print and store selected portions of the content, provided you (1) only use these copies of the content for your own non-commercial use, (2) do not copy or post the content on any network computer or broadcast the content in any media, and (3) do not modify or alter the content in any way, or delete or change any copyright or trademark notice. No right, title or interest in any downloaded materials is transferred to you as a result of any such downloading. AngelTrax reserves complete title and full intellectual property rights in any content you download from this website.

Except as noted above, you may not copy, download, reproduce, modify, publish, distribute, transmit, transfer or create derivative works from the content without first obtaining written permission from AngelTrax.

We welcome your comments regarding the AngelTrax website; however, any comments, feedback, notes, messages, ideas, suggestions or other communications (collectively, "comments") sent to AngelTrax shall be and remain the exclusive property of AngelTrax. Your submission of any such comments shall constitute an assignment to AngelTrax of all worldwide rights, titles and interests in all copyrights and other intellectual property rights in the comments. AngelTrax will be entitled to use, reproduce, disclose, publish and distribute any comments you submit for any purpose whatsoever, without restriction and without compensating you in any way. For this reason, we ask that you not send us any comments that you do not wish to assign to us, including any confidential information or any original creative materials such as stories, product ideas, computer code or original artwork.

These Terms and Conditions May Change
AngelTrax reserves the right to update or modify these Terms and Conditions at any time without prior notice. Your use of the AngelTrax website following any such change constitutes your agreement to follow and be bound by the Terms and Conditions as changed. For this reason, we encourage you to review these Terms and Conditions whenever you use this website.