Our Technologies


AngelTrax is proud to announce it has successfully completed the System and Organization Controls SOC 2® Type II examination in recognition of its commitment to information security. Developed by the American Institute of CPAs (AICPA), SOC 2 (System and Organization Controls) defines criteria for managing customer data based on five “trust service principles” — security, availability, processing integrity, confidentiality and privacy.

A SOC 2 examination provides organizations with a report on an organization's internal controls and how it protects customer data and sensitive information. It is the standard for data security among digital companies in the U.S.

Through this process, AngelTrax demonstrated its adherence to data security, availability and confidentiality standards developed by the AICPA. With its SOC 2 recognition, AngelTrax not only protects the safety of its customers' data today but demonstrates that it has set the right standards in place for the future.



Fully Digital High-Definition Video

Constructed of military grade materials, AngelTrax HC Series recording units are ruggedly built and engineered with upgradeable modular components which can extend the life of the unit beyond conventional designs. Innovations such as this set AngelTrax apart in durability and longer equipment life. AngelTrax customers often redeploy units from old buses to new ones.

User Upgradeable/Serviceable Modules

With patented Hybrid Component™ technology, AngelTrax HC Series recording units have modules that are fully removable and replaceable in the field, enabling authorized personnel to perform system updates and maintenance in minutes and increasing the efficiency of the entire fleet by reducing downtime and replacement outages.

Components In
Components Out

V20HC Mobile NVR



Hybrid Component™ Technology

Patented by AngelTrax, Hybrid Component™ modular technology keeps your fleet on the go more and in the shop less by dramatically reducing downtime due to surveillance system service.

  • Modular design with removable trays
  • Fully serviceable on site
  • Serviced in minutes, not days
  • Lowest long-term cost of ownership
Parallax View™

Each patent-pending Parallax Series camera captures a profoundly superior video picture with an outstanding horizontal resolution exceeding cinema 4K. Each camera provides over 200 degrees of coverage and zoomed image clarity never before available in the industry.

Combining four interior Parallax cameras in a quad configuration delivers an unparalleled 360-degree interior view of the front, middle and back of the bus without the image distortion common with conventional wide-angle or fisheye cameras. Each exterior camera captures a field of view wide enough to include the exterior wall of the bus, from front end to back.

VSM™ Virtual Synchronized Mapping Technology

Patented Virtual Synchronized Mapping™ technology embeds the actual GPS map, which is stored in the SD card located on the onboard module, in the video data so that during playback the recorded video is synchronized with the GPS mapping data. VSM GPS mapping data is so accurate that it is the only synchronized GPS mapping system that is consistently accepted as admissible evidence in court.

VSM technology utilizes an onboard GPS mapping system, employing the latest maps, that records the vehicle's precise location - not an estimation. Additionally, VSM displays the vehicle's street address as it travels, so you'll see the actual addresses of vehicle stops, not just the GPS coordinates. Actual Location Conventional GPS mapping only records GPS coordinates and then applies those to a predicted location on the map, decreasing accuracy. VSM technology records the vehicle's actual locations as it travels, then embeds its own GPS mapping data into your surveillance footage as it's captured, creating the only permanent, truly synchronized record of the vehicle's exact location at the time of an event.

Making Connections

Whether your organization requires cellular connectivity for immediate alerts, live view and live tracking or Wi-Fi connectivity for automated downloads at the end of the route, Vulcan™ Series systems are compatible with the latest wireless technologies.